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Turnitin Detailed Assignment Settings Information Creating a Turnitin Assignment is a multi-step process. In the first step, you will create the Turnitin assignment activity and set its...
Article Id: 20250
Category: Activities & Resources

When a lesson is available to students, they will click on the activity and navigate through the content. The appearance of the activity will depend on how the instructor has set up the activity (whether the will see a progress bar, menu of pages, a countdown counter, etc.). How to View Student Progress (Reports) Select the ...
Article Id: 20303
Category: Activities & Resources

** More information on how to provide feedback and grading can be found on the GROK article Giving Feedback with Turnitin GradeMarks and at ...
Article Id: 20248
Category: Activities & Resources

Viewing Quiz Results and Review Options Quiz Results (Instructors and Administrators) After students complete a quiz attempt, instructors and administrators can view the results in a report that displays information about these attempts. For example, you can see the user information, when the attempt began and ended, how long the attempt...
Article Id: 20207
Category: Activities & Resources

The Moodle Workshop is a peer review activity in which students can assess their classmates' work. The quality of both the students' assessments and their original submissions are graded by the instructor. The workshop activity guides students through the process in phases that the instructor must set up before the activity is available to students. The workshop is...
Article Id: 20030
Category: Activities & Resources

A workshop is an activity in which students can assess each others' submissions before an optional final assessment by the instructor. The settings for this activity determine several factors: when phases begin and end, how each phase is graded, submission and assessment requirements, and so on. There are two stages to the workshop setup: editing settings and editing the phases table.
Article Id: 20028
Category: Activities & Resources

Moodle Forums can be graded through whole forum grading or a process called rating . Whole forum grading is a new Moodle feature that allows instructors to assess student forum postings from a grading interface that collects all student postings and displays them on one page. Ratings are selected for a post from a scale that can be customized. When ratings are enabled...
Article Id: 20204
Category: Activities & Resources

Pearson offers integration between Moodle and the MyLab & Mastering products. To create the connection to MyLab & Mastering products, instructors will need...
Article Id: 20012
Category: Activities & Resources

The Feedback activity allows instructors to create a customized survey for collecting feedback through a variety of question types. Instructors can write their own customized questions, and any question can be non-graded, which makes this activity useful for evaluations. For help with submissions, direct students to GROK 20286,...
Article Id: 20296
Category: Activities & Resources

Instructors can change the settings in Moodle Mail to restrict students from sending email through the course. If disabled, students will see the Moodle Mail block in their course, but will not be able to use it. They will have to use LSU mail or other email service instead. This setting is found in the Moodle Mail Configuration menu. Making Moodle...
Article Id: 18578
Category: Activities & Resources