ArcGIS Online Hub: LSU Overview

General Information
ArcGIS is a system that lets you easily author data, maps, globes, and models on the desktop and distribute them for use on a desktop, in a browser, or in the field via mobile devices, depending on the needs of your organization. ArcGIS Online Hub gives you the ability to create, manage, and distribute GIS data and projects via a custom web page to share desktop, mobile, and Web mapping applications with your GIS community.
Before You Begin
Review ArcGIS Hub FAQ
LSU Faculty and Staff may request an ArcGIS Online Hub site be created for their group to share and promote content. Students may request access after a site has been created by faculty or staff.
Sensitive content such as student records, health, or internal financial data should not be shared via Hub.
Request A Site
Faculty/Staff, please answer the following questions:
- What department is this for?
- What URL would you like your site to have? It will be in the format https://<name-here> Alphanumeric and dashes only, no spaces or other special characters are allowed.
- Are any other members besides yourself who you would like to allow to edit the site?
Submit your request with the above information at this link:
Note that there is an option to remove the lsu-its part of the custom URL, but this is only available on a very limited basis (less than 8 available across all of LSU) so proper justification is needed in order to request this type.
Support & Training
ArcGIS Hub: Quick Overview
ArcGIS Hub: Site Editing Basics
ArcGIS Hub: Adding Content
Referenced from: ArcGIS Hub
5/7/2024 11:48:06 AM