Red Hat Linux: Registering Your Computer with LSU's Red Hat Satellite Server
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After installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Server or Workstation on your computer, you must register it with LSU’s Red Hat Satellite Server. Registration allows your computer(s) to receive critical security updates as well as access to optional software that you might need. *This is a required process.
*Registration must be done on campus or from an anyconnect VPN connection.
Registration Instructions:
*NOTE: All commands MUST be run as root.
1. Install LSU RHN Satellite Server Certificate: rpm -ivh
2. Prepare the server or workstation:
a. rm -rf /etc/sysconfig/rhn/systemid #This command removes any old rhn registration if any.
b. rm -rf /etc/rhsm/facts/katello.facts #This command cleans up any erroneous rhsm data.
c. rm -rf /var/cache/yum #This command cleans yum.
d. yum remove rhn* #This command removes any rhn packages that could cause problems.
3. Register the system:
subscription-manager register --org="Louisiana_State_University" --activationkey="(key)"
*NOTE: Substitute (key) with the actual values--no parentheses.
4. For registration keys, please notify Systems Architecture by opening a Register Red Hat/CentOS Server In Satellite service request. List the system name, operating system version, and the management group (department) in which the system/s should be added.
5. You can now update your server: yum update or dnf update.
10/25/2023 2:24:18 PM