results for "course"
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PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to save any content from courses after the term is over, you have several options. The first option that we strongly recommend is to import the content into a Blueprint Course. For each course you teach, you can get a single Blueprint Course created. Instructors can use a Blueprint Course to create and store content for a course to be taught in a future...
Article Id: 20178

The Course Tools page collects together displays, links, and blocks that are especially useful for instructor management of a course. You may access it by clicking the Course Tools link at the bottom of the table of contents for a course: which loads This will put the gear icon into Course...
Article Id: 20268

Below you will find answers to the most commonly asked questions about Moodle. All Users How can I change or remove my Moodle Profile photo? User profile photos can now be removed or replaced. When a user profile is first created, Moodle attempts to retrieve the user's photo from the LSU TigerCard system. If your photo is not transferred or if you wish to replace or remove...
Article Id: 20453

What is Cross-Enrollment? Cross-enrollment is combining different student Moodle populations into one single Moodle course for their instruction. It does not combine the students on the registration side. So for example, this does not allow campus students to register for LSU Online courses. All course content, and thus instruction, will take place in only ONE Moodle course, the course...
Article Id: 20544

Course Administration Settings Information The Edit Settings option for the course has several sections with useful tools in each. To access the course settings, click on the Administration Menu Gear Icon and then select Edit Settings . General Course full name - Name of the course as it appears on the course page and under My Courses. (not...
Article Id: 20258

The Course File Size tool assists in monitoring and managing the total file size of courses to ensure system stability and optimal performance. The display, visible only to instructors, shows the total size of all items in the course. Importance of Managing Course File Sizes Effective management of course file sizes is crucial for the performance of your course and the overall...
Article Id: 20586

The list below shows all the blocks currently available for the Course Tools page. The most commonly used ones are underlined , and have a link to more details about the block: Activities Activity Results Add/Drop Tracking Blog Menu Blog Tags ...
Article Id: 20312

Importing All Materials allows the instructor to import all of the content from another Moodle course into a current course without clearing the content that already exists there. If you are importing content from a Blueprint Course, or a course in which you made recent changes, be sure to first make a backup of the course before importing the content. For instructions, visit Moodle: How to...
Article Id: 20179

Instructors can use a blueprint course to streamline course creation and maintain consistency across sections. Students are not enrolled in blueprint courses, so any content will need to be transferred to a teaching course before students can access it. Only one blueprint course per course number per instructor is...
Article Id: 20175

Course Splitting allows an instructor to separate multiple sections of a course into different Moodle courses. Each section can be its own Moodle course, or groups of sections can be combined into courses together. NOTE: It is recommended that you split your course before importing materials or making any changes in the course. When the course gets split, the instructor and students...
Article Id: 20172

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